Mi casa es su casa! My house is your house! Most of us have probably heard this familiar Spanish saying that expresses an invitation to come into your house and make themselves at home just like they are family!
Why are we talking about family? Because this weeks teaching video is "Meet my family! (Level 2)". The video reviews family vocabulary from the level 1 video and introduces new family words as well as several adjectives. Make sure to check it out!
SimplySpanish videos posted this week include:
Teaching Video: "Meet my family! (Level 2)"
Music Video: Mi familia / My family
Pronunciation Video: La pronunciación de la familia / Family pronunciation
Story Video: Quiero a mi mamá / I love my mom
Quiero a mi papá / I love my dad
The last Zoom classes in April take place the week of April 19th, 2021. This link will take you to the sign up page. Remember each child can do two Zoom classes per month. If you prefer to do both classes during the same week that is totally fine!
I found this quote about families and thought you'd enjoy it:
Families are like fudge: mostly sweet with lots of nuts! (HaHaHa!)
Sra. Quaid