Sports teach kids many life skills- discipline, resilience, teamwork, courage, hard work and patience. SimplySpanish is excited to teach kids about Spanish! This week's teaching video, "It's game time!" (Level 1)", teaches 6 sports in Spanish as well as equipment needed for the different sports. Be sure to log onto SimplySpanish to watch the video!
Here is a list of this week's videos:
Teaching Video: "It's game time! (Level 1)"
Music Video: ¿Qué deporte te gusta? / What sport do you like?
Pronunciation Video: The Letter "Y"
Story Video: ¿Cómo se dice? / How do you say?
Zoom classes will take place the week of 2/22/21. Book your zoom classes here!
Río and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Sra. Quaid